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Abstracts of scientific events

Abstracts of foreign scientific events

  1. Lebedev V.P., Katznelson Ya.S., Savchenko A.B., Malygin A.V., Joy M.L.G. Noninvasive transcranial stimulation of the brain antinociceptive system : experimental and clinical study. // Abstr. XXXIII Internat. Congr. of Physiol. Sci., S.Petersburg, 1997 (july), P 084 . 34.
  2. Lebedev V.P., Voitenko R.I., Legeza D.V., Kondratiev A.N., Sorokoumov V.A. Transcranial electroanalgesia in neuroanesthesiology : peripheral nerve recon-structive surgery and post operative pain management. // Abstr. II Congr. Europ. IASP Chapters, Barcelona, 1997 ( september ), p. 246.
  3. Lebedev V.P. Transcranial electrostimulation as effective nonpharmaceutical method for pain management. Abstracts of 4th International Congress of International Neuromodulation Society “Neuromodulation for Pain and Motor disorders”, Switzerland, Lucern, September 15-20, 1998.
  4. Lebedev V.P., Rybak V.A. Effective treatment of drug-resistant fibromyalgia. Abstracts of 4th World Congress on Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia. Italy, Milan, August 24-27, 1998.
  5. V.Lebedev, L. Airapetov, A. Savchenko, Ya. Katznelson. Transcranial electrostimulation (TES) for pain relief : neurochemical mechanisms. // Abstr. 9th World Congress on Pain (IASP), 1999, Vienna, p. 12.
  6. Lebedev V.P. Uninvasive transcranial electrostimulation (TES) of the brain antinocicecptive system as a possible substitute of acupuncture. // Abstr. 5th IBRO World Congress of Neurosci., Jerusalem 1999, p. 193.
  7. Enin L.D., Kolosova L.I., Moiseeva O.V., Riabchikova V.P., Lebedev V.P. Effects of transcranial elecrostimulation (TES) on the functions of skin mechanoreceptors both intact and restorating after nerve damage. // Abstr. 5th IBRO World Congress of Neurosci., Jerusalem, 1999, p. 107.
  8. V.Lebedev, M.Melikhova, S.Kolbasov, G.Stroikova, O.Zamuruev. G.Kozlowski. Increase of the brain endorphins release stimulates the repair processes of hepatocytes (H) in vivo after poisoning (P). // Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Miami Beach, 1999, Vol. 25, part I, p. 193.
  9. V.P.Lebedev, Ya.S.Katznelson, A.B.Savchenko, L.N.Airapetov, A.V.Malygin, M.L.G.Joy, G.P.Kozlowski. Uninvasive transcranial electrostimulation of the brain sten antinociceptive system: biophysical, physiological, neurochemical, and pharmacological basis of the clinical application. Chinеse J Pain Med (Beijing), 2000, Vol.6, No IS, p. 13-14.
  10. V. P.Lebedev, T.D. Kyrianova. Noninvasive transcranial electrostimulation (TES) of the brain endorphinergic structures (BES) abolished the orofacial pain. 3rd International Congress on Orofacial pain and Temporomandibular Disorders, Seoul, Korea, 2000, p.85.
  11. Lebedev V.P.Analgesia and other effects of non-invasive transcranial electrostimulation of the brain endorphinergic structures for cancer pain palliative care. 3rd Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters, France, Nice, 2000, p.
  12. V.P.Lebedev, A.V.Kovalevsky. Non-invasive transcranial electrostimulation of the brain endorphinergic structures improves the human psycho-physiological status: fatigue and related events. SFN-2000
  13. Krupitsky E.M., Burakov A.M., Romanova T.N., Vostrikov V.V., Lebedev V.P., Grinenko N.I., Slavina T.Y., Grinenko A.Y. Transcranial electrostimulation is an effective method of treatment of protracted withdrawal in recently detoxified heroin addicts. Proceedings of the EBEA 2001 5th International Congress of the European BioElectromagnetics Association, Helsinki, 2001 : 281-282.
  14. Lebedev V.P. Uninvasive transcranial electrostimulation (TES) of the brain endorphinergic structures (BES) against depression and for improvement of the quality of life in painful patients. Abstr. 10th World Congress on Pain, San Diego, 2002, p.543.

Abstracts of Russian scientific events

  1. Lebedev V.P., Savchenko A.B., Malygin A.V. Substantiation of the method and creation of equipment for quasi-resonant transcranial electrical stimulation of homeostatic mechanisms of the brain. // Tez. dokl. I International Congress “Weak and ultra-weak fields and radiation in Biology and medicine”, St. Petersburg, 1997 (June). p. 23.
  2. Lebedev V.P., Kalinin A.V. The effectiveness of transcranial electro-anesthesia in pain syndromes accompanying the consequences of sports injuries. // II International scientific and practical. conf. “Veterans of Sports and modern society”. St. Petersburg, 1999. pp.123-124.
  3. Lebedev V.P., Kalinin A.V., Leikin S.F., Kovalevsky A.V. The experience of using transcranial electro-anesthesia in combat sports. // II International scientific and Practical. conf. “Veterans of Sports and modern society”. St. Petersburg, 1999. pp.124-125.
  4. V.P.Lebedev, S.V.Rychkova, M.V.Melikhova. Experimental substantiation of the use of transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) of endorphin brain systems (ESM) in gastroenterology. // Tez. dokl. All-Russian Scientific Conference “Gastroenterological aspects of medical practice” – GASTRO-99″, St. Petersburg, 1999, p.86.
  5. V.P.Lebedev, Y.S.Katsnelson, A.B.Savchenko, L.N.Airapetov, A.V.Malygin, M.L.J. Joy, J.P. Kozlowski. Noninvasive transcranial electrical stimulation of the antinociceptive system of the brain stem : biophysical, physiological, neurochemical bases of clinical application. // Tez. International. Conf., dedicated to the 150th anniversary of I.P.Pavlov “Mechanisms of functioning of visceral systems”, St. Petersburg, 1999, pp. 212-214.
  6. Lebedev V.P., Kolbasov S.E., Melikhova M.V., Stroikova G.S., Zamuruev O.N. Hepatotropic effect of noninvasive transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) of endorphin brain structures (ESM). // Russian. journal of gastroenterol., hepatol., coloproctol., 1999, vol.9, N1, appendix 6.
  7. Lebedev V.P. Is noninvasive transcranial electrical stimulation of the antinociceptive system of the brain stem possible? // Tez. The Plenum of the Board. Рос. Scientifically. About pharmacologists. “Pharmacology and modern medicine”. St. Petersburg, 1999, pp. 61-63.
  8. Lebedev V.P., Malygin A.V., Kovalevsky A.V., Alexandrov V.A., Bakman A.M., Zabolotnykh I.I. TRANSAIR devices for noninvasive transcranial electrostimulation of endorphin brain structures : analgesic effect and application possibilities in oncology. // Materials of the International scientific forum “Oncology at the turn of the XXI century. Opportunities and prospects”. Moscow, 1999, pp. 203-204.
  9. Lebedev V.P., Bakman A.M., Manikhas G.M. Relief of chronic pain syndrome (CBS) in cancer patients using transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) of endorphin structures of the brain. // Palliative. Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1999, N2, part 1, p. 17.
  10. Lebedev V.P., Melikhova M.V., Kolbasov S.E., Stroikova G.S., Zabezhinsky M.A. Noninvasive transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) of endorphin brain structures (ESM) as a method of effective restorative effect on the state of the liver after intoxication. // Russian. journal of gastroenterol., hepatol., coloproctol., 1999, vol.9, N5, Appendix. 8, p.92.
  11. E.M.Tsirulnikov, I.A.Vartanyan, V.P.Lebedev, A.M.Markovich, V.V.Boitsova. On the effectiveness and mechanism of action of the electric current used to improve hearing. // Problems of Neurocybernetics (Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Neurocybernetics), Rostov-on-Don, 1999, pp. 296-297.
  12. Kovalevsky A.V., Gazeeva I.V. Biokino: the effect of the obturation coefficient on fatigue, infallibility and other indicators of the psychophysiological state (PFS) of an almost healthy person.// Tez. dokl. Russian Medical and Biological Conference of Young Researchers “Man and his health”, St. Petersburg, 1999. p.33.
  13. Kovalevsky A.V., Gaisina A.V. The effect of transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) on fatigue and other indicators of the psychophysiological state (PFS) of an almost healthy person. // Tez. dokl. Russian Medical and Biological Conference of Young Researchers “Man and his health”. St. Petersburg, 1999, p.34..
  14. Tikhomirova G.V., Gazeeva I.V., Gusev V.V., Kovalevsky A.V. Biokino: the influence of film projection parameters on the psychophysiological state of the audience. // Materials of the scientific and practical conference “Cinema of the XXI century – development trends”, St. Petersburg, 1999, p. 46.
  15. Lebedev V.P., Kovalevsky A.V., Sysoev V.N. The effect of transcranial electrical stimulation of endorphin brain structures on the indicators of a person’s psychophysiological state. Tez.dokl. XXX All-Russian. Meetings on the problems of higher nervous activity. St. Petersburg, 2000, Vol.1, pp. 302-303.
  16. V.P.Lebedev, S.V.Rychkova, Melikhova M.V., Sobolev M.B., Kolbasov S.E., Stroikova G.S., Zamuruev O.N. Experimental substantiation and first results of clinical application of noninvasive transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) of endorphin brain structures (ESM) in toxic liver damage. Collection of materials of the 7th conference “Actual problems of abdominal pathology in children”, Moscow, 2000, pp. 180-181.
  17. Lebedev V.P. Transcranial electrical stimulation of endorphin structures of the brain: use in the performance of professional activity and the therapeutic process. Moscow, 2000, Organism and environment: Human life support and protection in extreme conditions, vol.2, pp. 256-257..
  18. Lebedev V.P. Transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) of endorphin structures of the brain: application in therapeutic and rehabilitation processes. Mat-ly conf. “Modern possibilities of rehabilitation for hearing disorders”, St. Petersburg, 2000, pp.40-43.
  19. Artsimovich N.G., Zayashnikova T.S., Lebedev V.P., etc. A new approach to the treatment of patients with neuroimmune pathology. Tez. dokl. VII Ross. Nats. Congress “Man and Medicine”, Moscow, 2000, p.99.
  20. Miroshnikova V.V., Lebedev V.P. Optimization of therapeutic effects in chronic tension headache. Mat-ly Jubilee. Conf. Clinical Research Institute. and an experiment. Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Volgograd, 2000, p.99.
  21. Rybak V.A., Lebedev V.P. Thresholds of pain sensitivity in inorganic generalized pain syndromes. Mat-ly Jubilee. Conf. Clinical Research Institute. and an experiment. Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Volgograd, 2000, p.110
  22. Lebedev V.P. Transcranial electrical stimulation of endorphin structures of the brain: use in the performance of professional activity and the therapeutic process. Ross materials. Conf. “The organism and the environment: life support and human protection in extreme conditions”, Moscow, 2000, vol. 2, pp. 250-251.
  23. V.P.Lebedev, M.V.Melikhova, S.P.Nechiporenko, S.E. Kolbasov, G.S.Stroikova, M.B.Sobolev, B.N. Kudryavtsev, V.A. Ivanov, O.N. Zamuruev, M.A. Zabezhinsky. Hepatotropic effects of transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) of endorphin mechanisms of the brain (EMM). Tez.dokl. international conf. “Mechanisms of functioning of visceral systems”, St. Petersburg, 2001: 218-219.
  24. S.P.Kropotov, V.P.Lebedev, A.V.Malygin, V.K.Shamrey, K.N.Koistrik, K.S.Turlakov, Yu.K.Malakhov, S.A.Zun, D.O. Belogortsev, K.Y.Smirnov. Prevention of the development and exacerbation of psychosomatic disorders using transcranial electrical stimulation in persons experiencing a loss reaction. Thesis of the International Conference “”Mechanisms of functioning of visceral systems”, St. Petersburg, 2001: 199.
  25. S.V.Rychkova, N.V.Rogova, V.I.Petrov, V.P.Lebedev. The effect of transcranial electrical stimulation of endorphin structures of the brain on the regeneration of ulcerative defects in the experiment and clinic. Thesis of the International Conference “Mechanisms of functioning of visceral systems”, St. Petersburg, 2001: 319.
  26. Lebedev V.P., Malygin A.V. Transcranial electrostimulation as an effective type of electropulse therapy: indications for use and equipment. Tez. dokl. scientific-practical conf. “Electropulse therapy in medicine and cosmetology”, St. Petersburg, 2001: 34-36.
  27. Malygin A.V., Evseev E.A. Transcranial electrical stimulation : method research and equipment improvement. Tez. I International. Congress “New Medical Technologies”, St. Petersburg, 2001:121-122.
  28. Lebedev V.P. Transcranial electrical stimulation (TES therapy) and TRANSAIR devices as a highly effective means of anesthesia and acceleration of healing processes in surgery. Tez. Dokl. scientific and practical conference “New medical devices and technologies”, St. Petersburg, 2001 :14.
  29. L.S.Chutko, V.P.Lebedev, Yu.D.Kropotov, V.A.Grin-Yatsenko, E.A.Yakovenko. The use of transcranial electrical stimulation in the treatment of tics in children and adolescents. Tez. I International. Congress “New Medical Technologies”, St. Petersburg, 2001: 113-114.
  30. A.A.Ivonin, V.T.Shuvaev, V.P.Lebedev, G.V.Butorin, S.Y.Zelenskaya. Treatment of cephalgia in patients with the consequences of neuroinfections and vegetative crises by transcranial electrical stimulation. Tez. I International. Congress “New Medical Technologies”, SPP, 2001 : 116.
  31. V.P. Lebedev. On the application of the rules of GLP (good laboratory practice) and GCP (good clinical practice) in the development of medical equipment for electrical stimulation. Tez. I International. Congress “New Medical Technologies”, St. Petersburg, 2001 : 117.
  32. E.M.Tsirulnikov, V.P.Lebedev, V.V.Boitsova. Transcranial electrical stimulation in the rehabilitation of patients with hearing impairments. Tez. I International. Congress “New Medical Technologies”, St. Petersburg, 2001 : 120.
  33. Lebedev V.P., Malygin A.V., Kovalevsky A.V., Sysoev V.N., Kropotov S.P., Gerasimova L.I., Glukhov D.V. Application of transcranial electrical stimulation of endorphin brain structures to prevent psychosomatic consequences of emergencies. Materials of the international conference “Medical and biological consequences of emergency situations”, St. Petersburg, 2001 : 47.
  34. Gerasimova L.I., Kondrikova E.S., Lebedev V.P. Transcranial electrical stimulation and its use in the treatment of burns. Mat. Scientific. Conf. “Actual problems of traumatology and orthopedics”, part II “Thermal trauma”, Nizhny Novgorod, 2001: 38040.
  35. V.P. Lebedev. The use of thermal power plant therapy in the complex of sanatorium treatment. Materials of the V National Congress on Balneology and Natural Therapy, St. Petersburg, 200: 41-42.
  36. V.M. Baranova, V.P. Lebedev, V.M. Vasilets, E.I.Baranova, I.G. Bovt. The effect of transcranial electrical stimulation on the state of auditory function and blood pressure in workers exposed to intense industrial noise. Thesis of the symposium “Modern aspects of the pathogenesis and treatment of arterial hypertension”. St. Petersburg, 2001:51-53.
  37. Lebedev V.P. Transcranial electrical stimulation of endorphin structures of the brain as an effective means of correcting adverse conditions that arise in the course of work. Proceedings of the 10th All-Russian Conference on Labor Physiology “Successes and prospects of labor physiology in the Third Millennium”, Moscow, 2001: 23.
  38. V.P. Lebedev, V.M. Baranova, V.M. Vasilets, I.G. Bovt. Transcranial electrical stimulation is a new effective method of restoring professional hearing damage and general health in chronic noise exposure. Proceedings of the 10th All-Russian Conference on Labor Physiology “Successes and prospects of labor physiology in the Third Millennium”, Moscow, 2001: 32.
  39. Miroshnikova V.V., Rybak V.A., Lebedev V.P. Transcranial electrical stimulation in the complex treatment of “abasus” headache. In the collection: Actual problems of modern rheumatology, Volgograd, 2001, pp. 117-118.
  40. Lebedev V.P., Melikhova M.V., Nechiporenko S.P., Kolbasov S.E., Kudryavtsev B.N., Nilova V.K., Bezborodkina N.N., Zabezhinsky M.A. Transcranial electrical stimulation of endorphin brain structures: activating effect on liver regeneration and oncostatic effect. Abstracts of the symposium “Actual problems of abdominal pathology in children”, St. Petersburg, 2002 : 224-225.
  41. Lebedev V.P. Prospects for the use of noninvasive transcranial electrical stimulation of endorphin brain structures in cosmetology and dermatology. Tez. dokl. school-seminar “The latest technologies of beauty and health”. St. Petersburg, 2002 : 17.
  42. Lebedev V.P. Transcranial electrical stimulation of endorphin structures of the brain as an effective means of correcting adverse conditions that arise in the course of work. Mat-ly X Vseross. Conf. on labor physiology “Successes and prospects of labor physiology in the third millennium”, M, 2001 : 85-87.
  43. Lebedev V.P., Baranova V.M., Vasilets V.M., Bovt I.G. Transcranial electrical stimulation is a new effective method of restoring professional hearing damage and general health in chronic noise exposure. Mat-ly X Vseross. Conf. on Labor Physiology “Successes and prospects of labor physiology in the third millennium”, M, 2001, pp. 87-89.
  44. Lebedev V.P., Malygin A.V. Noninvasive transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) of protective (endorphin) mechanisms of the brain by TRANSAIR devices as an effective means of psychophysiological rehabilitation. Abstracts of the VI National Congress “Man and his Health”, St. Petersburg, 2001: 203.
  45. Rychkova S.V., Lebedev V.P., Melikhova M.V., Rogova N.V.Experimental and clinical aspects of transcranial electrical stimulation in pediatric gastroenterology. Tez. VII Congress of Pediatricians of Russia “Pediatric Gastroenterology: present and future”, Moscow, 2002: 250 – 251.
  46. Abbasov R.Yu., Dovgusha V.V., Lebedev V.P., Lebedev V.P., Baranova V.M., Vasilets V.M., Bovt I.G. Results of 40-year medical supervision of sailors of the nuclear icebreaker fleet.Scientific and practical conference “Marine Medicine in the new Millennium”, Arkhangelsk, 2002 : 121-123.
  47. Nechiporenko S.P., Lebedev V.P., Belichenko S.V. Reduction of toxic damage ?-cells of the islets of Langerhans using transcranial electrical stimulation. Tez. dokl. “XX-th Congress of Toxicologists of Russia. M, 2004, pp. 381-382.
  48. Berest D.G., Tkachenko E.I., Shiman A.G. The use of transcranial electrical stimulation in the treatment of patients with “Endoscopically negative” gastroesophageal reflux disease with severe pain syndrome. Abstracts of the VI All-Russian Congress of Physiotherapists, St. Petersburg, 2006, pp.167-168.
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