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About the TPP Center

HomeAbout the TPP Center

The scientific and production organization established by the authors of the TES-therapy method was created to introduce into medical practice their own results of scientific and clinical studies of the mechanisms of TES-therapy – an innovative treatment technology widely used in many countries of the world.

The main activities of the TPP Center are scientific and experimental research, development and production of medical devices for transcranial electrical stimulation of the TRANSAIR and Doctor TPP model series

License of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Healthcare and Social Development to carry out activities for the production of medical equipment No. FS-99-04-000446 from September 30, 2013


In 1991, at the I.P.Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, on the basis of the Sector of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Mechanisms, headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.P. Lebedev, a scientific and practical center “Protective Mechanisms of the Brain” was established for the industrial production of TES therapy devices. For six years, under the license of the authors of the method, the devices were produced under the brand “ETRANS” at the Yaroslavl radio Plant. In 1996, the scientific and practical center was transformed into TPP Center LLC, which began assembling TRANSAIR devices (Transcranial Electrical stimulator for Analgesia, Immunity and Repair) on its own production base.

Based on the different needs of doctors who worked in different types of medical institutions, a model range of TRANSAIR devices was developed: medical, stationary and multi-program. At the end of the 90s, the first advertisement began to appear. A small note in the newspaper “Labor Protection” caused a wave of orders from sanatoriums and medical units of enterprises. By that time, the devices were working successfully: at the N.V.Sklifosovsky Institute of Emergency Medicine, the N.N.Burdenko Military Clinical Hospital, the S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy and many other leading medical institutions of the country.

Own production facilities have become categorically lacking. The TPP Center began placing orders at other enterprises of the country, while simultaneously expanding its own production base. In 2001, TRANSAIR-02, a TPP therapy device for domestic use, was first released. For five years, it was produced by one of the Moscow plants under the license of the TPP Center.


In 2003, TES therapy was recognized as an international discovery.


In 2004, the developers and creators of the TES-therapy method, led by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.P. Lebedev, was awarded the prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, as well as a number of other Russian and international awards.


In 2005, the TPP Center developed a new generation of TRANSAIR devices: -03, -04, -05. There is another direction of treatment – TES therapy in surdology. TRANSAIR-07 was developed for the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss. The updated line on a modern element base began to be produced at its own production facilities in St. Petersburg.


In 2008, the TPP Center received the Grand Prix of the Russian Industrialist 2008 Forum for the best innovative project in the field of healthcare.


In 2009, the development was completed and a pilot batch of new devices for home use "DoktorTES-03" was released. Engineers of the "TPP Center" of the Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed a fundamentally new model of a household appliance: simple, convenient, inexpensive, made in a modern design.


Since 2010, the serial production of these devices has been mastered. In 2012, the release of the Transair-07 hearing aid with a new modern interface. Also this year, the company received the status of a Skolkovo resident.


In 2015, the TPP Center completed the development of a new generation of devices for conducting TPP therapy. Currently, work is underway to register the devices and prepare them for mass production.

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