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Awards and achievements

HomeAwards and achievements

1996 year

Medal to them. Academician P. L. Kapitsa for scientific discovery, priority of 1996.

The silver medal is awarded to authors of scientific discoveries registered by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the International Association of Authors of Scientific Discoveries, and members of the Academy who have made a significant contribution to the development of natural sciences. The award is certified by an honorary diploma of the established sample.

2004 year

The Award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for 2004 for the scientific development of a method and equipment for transcranial electrical stimulation of the protective mechanisms of the brain and their introduction into broad medical practice.

The Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology was established by the Government of the Russian Federation on 26.07.1994. It is awarded to scientists and specialists for achievements achieved in research, development, inventive, innovative activities in the field of medicine, healthcare, etc. areas.

2008 year

Grand Prix of the International exhibition-Congress "High Technologies. Innovation. Investments" Saint Petersburg.

2009 year

Grand Prix of the II International Congress of Inventors (Nomination "Invention that gives a push forward") Thailand.

2012 year

Award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for 2012 for the development of theoretical foundations, introduction into clinical practice and development of technical support for the method "Mesodiencephalic modulation" (MDM). In turn, the MDM method is a special case of the TES-therapy medical technology based on a scientific discovery.

The Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology was established by the Government of the Russian Federation on 26.07.1994. It is awarded to scientists and specialists for achievements achieved in research, development, inventive, innovative activities in the field of medicine, healthcare, etc. areas.

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