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  • Experience in the use of TES-therapy in the complex treatment of withdrawal symptoms in patients suffering from alcohol and heroin addiction

Experience in the use of TES-therapy in the complex treatment of withdrawal symptoms in patients suffering from alcohol and heroin addiction

Withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism in everyday life is called a hangover. This is a very serious condition characterized by rapid heartbeat, irritability, nausea, vomiting, and other painful physical and mental conditions. Treatment for alcohol addiction is impossible during the withdrawal syndrome, therefore, first of all, narcologists stop the alcohol withdrawal syndrome, removing all painful conditions of the body.

The treatment of alcohol dependence is a long-term process, which includes the treatment of the physical and psychological state of the patient. TES-therapy is indispensable at the stage of stopping the withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism, as well as in the subsequent stages of the patient’s rehabilitation.

Below is a scientific article on the use of TES-therapy in the republican narcological dispensary of the Republic of Chechnya. Experience has shown that this method is very effective for stopping withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism and drug addiction.

This article discusses the treatment with professional TRANSAIR devices, but I would like to note that the TES center produces analogues of these devices for home use. Thus, the relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome is possible at home using the Doctor TES-03 devices.

Experience in the use of TES-therapy in the complex treatment of withdrawal symptoms in patients suffering from alcohol and heroin addiction

Dalsaev M.A.1, Tataev Kh.L.2

1State Institution Republican Narcological Dispensary of the Ministry of Health of the Chechen Republic,

2Chechen State University, Grozny.


The introduction of non-drug methods of treatment into clinical practice, along with traditional ones, is dictated by the search for increasing the effectiveness of therapy. In this direction, in narcology, methods of stimulating CNS neurons synthesizing endogenous opiates, which include transcranial electrical stimulation (TES-therapy), actively introduced into clinical practice by V.P. Lebedev, acquire special significance.

Materials and methods.

The effectiveness of treatment was studied in 25 patients: 10 people who were addicted to drugs (heroin) and 15 who were addicted to alcohol. We used the device Transair-01P (in the mode without frequency modulation) as an additional therapy. Efficiency was assessed using a four-point scale of self-report of patients according to a specially designed map and somatovegetative symptoms of withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism and drug addiction.

The dynamics of withdrawal symptoms and the degree of the patient’s attraction to a psychoactive substance (SAS) were assessed. The duration of heroin use averaged three years, the duration of alcoholism was five years. The average age of patients with drug addiction left 30 years, and patients with alcoholism of the second stage – 42 years. Abstinence syndrome before the patient’s admission to the hospital was preceded by the abuse of PAS. TES-therapy began from the first day of the withdrawal syndrome.

The control group consisted of patients suffering from alcohol and heroin addiction (10 patients each) who did not receive TES therapy. The duration of TES therapy was at least five sessions and was carried out daily. TES-therapy was used in all cases in combination with drug therapy, and not as monotherapy.


As a result of the study, it was found that the effectiveness relief of withdrawal symptoms when used as an additional therapeutic factor, TES-therapy turned out to be slightly higher in both patients who were addicted to heroin and alcohol. At the same time, already on the second day, the patients themselves noted that after the session they feel noticeably better.

One patient suffering from heroin addiction with an unexpressed attitude to treatment, who was treated repeatedly in different clinics of the country, noted that he did not feel noticeable changes, while the rest, on the contrary, believed that the effect of reducing craving for the drug appeared immediately after the session. There was also a noticeable decrease in the pain syndrome in drug addicts in the group who received additional TES-therapy. All patients with drug addiction and alcoholism noted some drowsiness by the end of the session.

In the group of patients suffering from alcohol dependence and receiving TES-therapy, there was not a single psychotic attack, while in the control group two patients developed psychosis on the third day of admission to the hospital of the republican narcological dispensary. Anxiety (Spilberger score) was completely reduced by the third session in patients suffering from alcoholism, while in the control group it persisted up to 4-5 days.

Generally relief of withdrawal syndrome in patients suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction the course was easier in the groups of patients receiving additional TES-therapy. Based on the studies conducted, it was suggested, taking into account the mechanism of action of TES therapy (Lebedev, Malygin, 2002; Lebedev, 2006), that endorphins play a role in the pathogenesis of alcoholic delirium, and TES therapy can help prevent this psychosis. This point of view is also confirmed by the growth of alcoholic psychoses in patients who previously suffered from heroin addiction (Dalsaev, Dalsaeva, 2004).


The noted improvement in the well-being of patients when using TES-therapy and an objective decrease in the severity of some withdrawal symptoms suggests a positive effect of TES-therapy on the relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, as well as. TES-therapy is an effective component of the complex treatment of patients suffering from alcohol and heroin addiction.

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